     So many people have a confusion towards carbs and don't know how to treat them as a nutrient. I have read many articles that set people up for failure by either giving them bad information about carbs or making them fear carbs. Well I'm here to tell you how it is and give you a short and straight up post about how you should be treating carbs. 


This is the first thing I want to point out because its the biggest point I need to make in this blog post. So many articles and fitness fads going on tell people that carbs are bad and you need to be on a low carb diet to lose any body fat, hell I've even fallen into this before. But the truth is that you just need to train hard, lift heavier weights and eat the right carbs at the right time. First things first you need to get in the gym to lose any weight or body fat and the type of training you perform will dictate what type of carbs you have. Figuring out the type of carbs to eat is where most average Americans go wrong. As you already know most Americans are eating tons of sugars and breaded foods that are almost always processed. This brings me to my next point...


    Cody McBroom


    March 2013
    November 2012
    October 2012
    August 2012
    June 2012
    May 2012

