Progressive Overload & Its Importance

    Progressive overload is one of the biggest keys to achieving strength and muscle mass gains. There are a lot of people who either do not realize this, don’t realize they are doing this, or completely leave it out and don’t know what it is. If you’re a trainer or even just a gym rat who loves to work out and you do not understand the concept, read this now or forget about improving in the gym! Broken down into a simple term progressive overload is either increasing weight, increasing sets, increasing reps, increasing intensity, increasing duration, increasing frequency or decreasing rest periods as you work through a program. If you do not have a program and you are just performing random workouts at the gym, get a program ASAP, it will benefit you tremendously. I see a lot of people who come to the gym and repeat the same couple workouts they know day in and day out but they never change anything about it, then they go home and look in the mirror wondering why they aren’t growing. This is because you are leaving out this key concept.


    Cody McBroom


    March 2013
    November 2012
    October 2012
    August 2012
    June 2012
    May 2012

